Nurse told relationship with ex patient in psy ward. Appropriate mx?
a. leave relationship immediately
b. take note for future reference
c. inform AHPRA nursing part
d. inform senior medical director
e. inform medical board
Persistent bradycardia. Os was 3cm and length 1cm. What to do?
A. Oxytocin
C. Fetal scalp blood sampling
32-year-old male with 14 mo infertility, unremarkable hx/exam. Semen analysis: leukocyte count 5.0, normal FSH/LH/testosterone/prolactin. advice?
A. Refer for urine culture, urine PCR for chlamydia and gonorrhoea, and semen culture.
B. Raised leucocyte count is unlikely to be significant.
2month old infant with noisy inhalation stridor since birth, worse w/ breastfeeding. Cog-wheel inspiratory stridor on exam. Dx: mild laryngomalacia. advice?
a. Laryngomalacia should resolve by 1-2 years of age.
b. Laryngomalacia should resolve by 6 months of age.
Patient with pain and swelling in the parotid area, all Examination, vital normal. Mx?
a Mouth hygiene
b Incision and drtinage
c Sialagogue
d Antibiotics
42 lady with dark skin patches on cheeks bilaterally, distressed, no meds. Dx clinically. Likely cause of patches?
a. Ultraviolet radiation exposure.
b. Early onset menopause.
c. Undiagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus.
A 65-year-old man with a history of smoking and weight loss presents with a painless, firm left supraclavicular lymph node.
What is the next best step in evaluation?
a. Chest X-ray
b. Upper GI Endoscopy
c. CT Head & Neck
d. Laryngoscopy
e. Ultrasound of the Nec
38 male nurse w/ painful ‘burning’ thumb lesions, multiple tender fluid-filled vesicles near nailfold. Recent viral URTI. No fever. advice?
a. Advise oral aciclovir 400mg, five times daily for 7 days.
b. Advise incision and drainage of the blisters.
58 lady w severe vulval itching, pain w/ sex, stinging w/ urination, no vaginal discharge. White crinkled plaques on inner vulva. Likely treatment by gynaecologist?
a Very potent topical corticosteroid.
b Topical oestrogen cream.
c Topical antibiotic cream.
58 male post-inferior MI, confused about long-term meds after drug-eluting stent. Review of meds. Correct statement?
a Continue dual antiplatelet therapy with aspirin plus P2Y12 inhibitor for 6-12 months.
b Use knee brace to maintain valgus position.
82 male unconscious in car park, unresponsive, abnormal breathing. ALS started. What is “one loop of the algorithm”?
a.> Each loop: 5 sets of 30 compressions (100-120/min), 2 breaths, for 2 minutes.
b.> Each loop: 6 sets of 30 compressions (80-100/min), 1 breath, for 2 minutes.
h/o prostatis with enlarged prostate, urine retention. Mx?
a. urethral catether
b. suprapubic catether
Son comes to your practice regarding 82-yo mother saying that nurse from practice is using his mother for financial purpose as she has been giving her expensive gifts and recently added her to her will as beneficiary. What will you do?
a. ask son speak to nurse
b. arrange appointment with mother
c. speak to nurse
d. report to AHPRA
Doctor presents a research paper monthly at journal club. Which of the following is true about case-control study?
a Case-control studies allow randomisation.
b Case-control studies can investigate delayed exposure-outcome links.
A man with ankylosing spondylitis on MTX and ibuprofen. Symptom remission for years. The man is about to get married came for advice
a. off mtx and ibuprofen
b. off mtx continue ibuprofen
c. off mtx add steroid
d. don change medicine
e. refer to rheumatologist
37 female on phenytoin for epilepsy, developed widespread papular rash w/ fever since yesterday. Next step in management?
a Use antihistamines and continue phenytoin for 4 weeks to monitor rash.
b Discontinue phenytoin and start a different antiepileptic.
Give sigmoid volvulus pic. What to do?
a. sigmoidoscopy + decomp
b. sigmoidectomy
54 lady on MHT for menopause, BMI 29, smokes 10/day, wants to reduce osteoporosis risk. Recent vitamin D 70 nmol/L. Advice for osteoporosis risk reduction?
a Aim for more than 1300mg of dietary calcium weekly.
b Smoking cessation.
Refuge 55yo hemoptysis with cough fever and CXR upper lobe apical infiltration area, asking sputum culture done beside this, what to do next?
a. CT
b. Mantoux
c. sputum cytology
d. repeat x -ray after 3 weeks
26 lady w GAD hx, off meds 4 yrs, anxiety, poor sleep, poor eating, overwhelmed w/ uni/work/home. 2 wks to exams, asks for help to calm down. Treatment for GAD?
a Psychological interventions are first-line for GAD.
b Tricyclic antidepressants are first-line for GAD pharmacologically.
65M with 3 mos weakness, dysphagia, proximal weakness, rash on face/shoulders, red papules on knuckles. Most likely diagnosis?
a/ Dermatomyositis
b/ Polymyalgia rheumatica
c/ Polymyositis
17 lady with acne for yrs, no improvement w/ OTC tx. Mild acne w/ comedones/pustules. Common contributor to acne?
a/ A family history of acne
b/ Poor skin hygiene
5yo w/ eczema since 2, mainly extensor surfaces. Steroid use increased, wants to reduce exacerbations. Best advice?
a/ Avoid environmental triggers like chlorine, sand, and grass; wash after contact.
b/ Perform bleach baths twice daily to reduce bacterial load.
57 male with alcohol smell, broad gait, large bruise after fall, rapid speech. Alcohol-associated liver disease?
a/ Paracetamol is safe for most with alcohol-associated liver disease.
b/ Fatty liver disease from alcohol is usually symptomatic.
38 lady, 13wks pregnant, 4yrs TTC, combined 1st trimester screening: Trisomy 21 risk 1:150. Down syndrome facts?
a Neck pain in Down Syndrome suggests atlanto-axial instability.
b Down Syndrome increases Parkinson’s Disease risk.
34 male w CAM boot on R foot, antalgic gait, 6 mos post-ankle surgery, regular Oxycodone use. Correct statement?
a 24-hour Prescription Shopping Information Service available for suspected overuse.
b Short-acting oxycodone is appropriate for long-term arthritic pain.
38 male w/ thyroid nodule, normal TSH, ultrasound shows hypoechoic 1.8 cm nodule. Next step?
a Refer for Fine Needle Aspiration of the thyroid nodule.
b Refer for neck CT scan with contrast.
60 M w/ progressive leg weakness, trouble swallowing, back pain, areflexic. Suspected Guillain-Barre. True statement?
a Guillain-Barré syndrome can follow an immune-activating event (e.g., Mycoplasma).
b Guillain-Barré syndrome is a clinical diagnosis.
14 teenage girl w/ 6 mos intermittent abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, weight loss, worsens w/ bread. Most likely diagnosis?
a Transaminase elevation may be associated with this condition.
b This condition does not affect fertility.
54M w/ Type 1 DM, bilateral neuropathy, 6 wks R foot pain, tender, swollen, normal x-ray, MRI shows bone marrow edema. Charcot osteoarthropathy cause?
a/ Chronic alcoholism
b/ Osteoarthritis
c/ Popliteal artery stenosis
53F w/ sore mouth, tender gums, ulcers, non-smoker, no meds. Likely diagnosis?
a/ Oral lichen planus
b/ Oral psoriasis
c/ Oral candidiasis
35 lady w/ new RA dx, on methotrexate, routine monitoring. What tests to order?
a. Full blood count, renal function, liver function tests.
b. Renal function, liver function tests, thyroid function tests.
45M gardener w/ 2 mos lateral R elbow pain, worse w/ whipper snipper use, tender over lateral epicondyle. Correct statement?
a Consider referral to physiotherapist as first-line treatment.
b Condition is due to acute inflammation.
30F with Crohn’s on Azathioprine 100mg, routine monitoring. Common adverse effect of Azathioprine?
A Leucopenia
b Thrombocytosis
c Polycythemia
gentleman came w painful scalp lump, no bleeding, concerns about melanoma. Best management?
a/ Apply liquid nitrogen to affected area, wait 10 minutes, then brush off tick.
b/ Apply ice pack, wait 10 minutes, then brush off tick.
10yo Aboriginal boy w/ 3 wks weeping rash on R arm, no allergies, no prior treatments. Best management for rash?
a/ Administer a stat dose of intramuscular benzathine benzylpenicillin 1.2 million units.
b/ Prescribe dicloxacillin 12.5mg/kg orally every 6 hours for 7 days.
40F w/ 2 wks red tender lesions on shins, malaise, arthralgias, elevated CRP. Next step?
a/ Give oral flucloxacillin for the lesions.
b/ Perform chest x-ray to rule out sarcoidosis.
47M on long-term Codeine for chronic back pain, wants to know harms of Codeine. Long-term side effects of Codeine?
a/ Constipation, reduced libido, muscle twitching, dependence
b/ Constipation, vivid dreams, dizziness, impotence
49 lady w/ intermittent chest pain, tripped 6 wks ago, normal x-ray, pale, new cough. Next step for investigation?
a/ Refer for low-dose CT chest to investigate chest pain.
b/ Refer for stress echocardiogram to investigate chest pain.
6yo M w/ 10 hrs fever, vomiting, mild abdominal tenderness, last urinated 6 hrs ago. Next step in management?
a/ Ondansetron wafers
b/ Aspirin dissolvable tablets
c/ Doxycycline tablets
22M mechanic w/ daily cannabis use, affects sleep & work. Best treatment option for addiction?
a/ Individual cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)
b/ Naltrexone
c/ Nabiximols
60 lady w/ SOB on exertion, productive morning cough, ex-smoker, suspected COPD. True statement about COPD dx?
a COPD diagnosis requires spirometry with FEV1/FVC ratio <0.7.
b COPD can be diagnosed from clinical features or chest x-ray.
50M w/ fever, productive cough, reduced appetite, mild fever, L base reduced air entry. Empirical antibiotic?
a/ Doxycycline
b/ Clarithromycin
32F, 33wks pregnant, R wrist pain worse w/ gripping, tenderness & swelling at radial side. Likely diagnosis?
a/ de Quervain’s tenosynovitis
b/ Scaphoid fracture
68M w/ 3 mos R leg pain, intermittent claudication, faint pedal pulses, no resting pain. Next investigation?
a/ Ankle-brachial index
b/ Duplex arterial ultrasound of the lower limbs
62M w/ elevated PSA, on finasteride, hypertension, osteoarthritis. What impacted his PSA result?
a Recent bicycle riding
b Finasteride
c Prazosin
20F w/ 3-day fever, headache, fatigue, persistent cough, bilateral infiltrates on x-ray. Likely infective organism?
a/ Mycoplasma Pneumoniae
b/ Haemophilus influenzae
50 lady with 2 wks throat discomfort, low-grade fever, L thyroid enlargement, no lymphadenopathy. Likely diagnosis?
a/ Subacute thyroiditis
b/ Autoimmune thyroiditis
17 lady w/ non-pruritic maculopapular rash, started w/ oval red spots, mild cold 1 wk ago. Best management advice?
A Rash will resolve on its own; use soap substitute and fragrance-free moisturiser.
b Prescribe LPC 6% and salicylic acid 3% in cream for rash.